Bobby Obsy / Wonderwall Groundfloor / The Yellow King #SKG

Wonderwall Cafe Bar [Θεσσαλονίκη]

Event info
Date: 3 May 2019
Time: 22:00
Location: Wonderwall Cafe Bar
Address: Αιγύπτου 18 / 546 25 Θεσσαλονίκη

The 12th Yellow King event is here!

Bobby Obsy is taking over the crown at WonderWall Cafe Bar #GroundZero in the grooviest way!


¥ Bobby Obsy- Your friendly neighborhood beatmaker

A groovy greek guy, located in the UK, making HipHop beats and srving crowds with the finest selection of music! He recently released his first album, called “Rusty Gate”. Check him out here:

¥ The Yellow King…
…started as a side project by the “northern” Antilopes ( in 2016 and was based on the idea of a way to do regular DJ sets that allow us to experiment with new sounds and ways of presenting them.
The second year finds the project invited to wonderful places like Wonderwall. This year the main theme is to pass the crown to as many guest DJs we can, thus expanding the personality of “The Yellow King”

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