Omens – Future Bass Mix by Sensei

Written by on 16 October 2017

Omens – Future Bass Mix by Sensei

  • Download the mix
  • Find the music collection Space & Time on Bandcamp: in a 35 pcs limited edition cassette tape.
  • All rights to their owners – Support Monstercat and the producers here:

Artwork: Zebrafish Eye Image by Ingrid Lekk and Steve Wilson, University College London. This is the eye of a four-day-old zebrafish embryo. Using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system, plus some strategic breeding, researchers from the University of College London created a zebrafish that could have specific parts of its body made to glow in fluorescent red. Here, the scientists are studying the lens of the eye (the big red dot), and cells called neuromasts (the small red dots). Neuromasts help fish respond to movements in the water, like a predator. The fish’s nervous system can be seen in greenish-blue.

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